Prayer For My Uncle Sam
I love my Uncle Sam
He is not exactly old
But beginning to feel the stress of age
In his youth he has paved the way
Into a new and abundant land
With the highest of ideals
Yet like any young man
He has stumbled
on many occasions
along the way
Many times he has forgotten what has been promised by Mathew
"Look at the birds in the sky
They do not sow or reap
They gather nothing into barns
Yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not more important than they?
Which of you by worrying
Can add a moment to his life-span?"
And so he falls into
The pit of lack
And the fear
Of not enough abundance for all
The abundance he was able to imagine and create
Into such a wonderful and prosperous home
His intentions
So Divinely inspired
And used as a rudder and a sail
To navigate the raging seas of despair
Through the fog of doubt and fear
With his eye on the prize
To create a home
Of love and happiness for ALL
His nieces and nephews
But sometimes the loudest
And most fearful of his tribe
Distract him and set him off his course
Pushing him to call on
His Strength
His courage
And His power
Which knows no bounds
To remember his Divine mission
The strength
To take from the earth
What is needed to create
A safe and joyous home
For his ever growing family
The courage
To follow that Divine path
Set before him
And the Power
To evaporate the fear
Of those who do not have faith
He shines like the sun
To light up the sky
And send a beacon of hope
To those who are lost in darkness
Creating what was foretold
Yet again by Mathew
"You are the light of the world.
A city set upon a hill cannot be hidden.
Men do not light a lamp
And then put it under a bushel basket.
They set it on a stand
Where it gives light
To ALL in the house.
In the same way
Your light must shine before men
So that they may see goodness in your acts
And give praise to our Father above."
My Uncle’s heart is huge
As he cries at injustice
At poverty
At homelessness
At every pestilence
Affecting his loved ones
And calls to them
To comfort
To heal
To start anew
In his home
He was led to this land of abundance
With a Divine mission
And the power of Goodness
To clothe and feed
ALL those in need
His voice cries out as the New Colossus
"Give me your tired
Your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these
The homeless
Tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
And sincerely
He means what he says
And here is where I pray the most
My Uncle Sam
Has sight diminished
And hearing lacking
To clearly see the truth
The fog seems to encircle him
To cloud his vision
And muffle the calls of Divine truth
And only hears
The sweet song of the sirens
Calling him to his destruction
He needs our help
To clear his sight
And unburden his hearing
To see without judgment
To listen without fear
And lead with unconditional love
As my beloved Uncle ages
It is only natural he weakens and wobbles
But just as he has
Nurtured us
Protected us
And given us so much
With his courage
And his strength
So it is up to us
To give back
And play an active role
In his care
Just as we do for our aging parents
It may not be easy
It may be inconvenient
But it would be irresponsible
Not to step up to the plate
That love calls us to act
My Uncle Sam
Is connected to a Higher Power
That never dies
With that spark of Divine Light
He shares with us all
And so it is time
We give back
To heal
And strengthen
Our Beloved Uncle Sam