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Ministerial Products & Services

Energy Healing & Chakra ReBalancing


Energy Healing is a modality practiced by the ancient Tibetan Buddhists. It was reintroduced to the western world by a Japanese Buddhist Monk using the term Reiki, which translates, Universal Life Energy. This modality heals in a wide variety of ways: from simply easing pain and stress to replacing fear with peace in order to make necessary changes in one's life. Kevin is a Master Reiki and has been practicing for 20+ years.  To learn more, schedule an appointment, or ask questions. The Leprechaun knows.

Rune Reading


In every ancient culture there was a need for Divination: advice and/or clarification of decisions made or yet to be made. The easiest way to explain the reading of Runes is equate it with the Kabballah or Tarot. The Kabballah is of the Jewish Culture and the Tarot found its way out of ancient Egypt. Runes are a product of the earliest written symbolic alphabetic language of the Nordic culture conceived as early as the time of Christ. To learn more, schedule an appointment, or ask questions. The Leprechaun knows.

Intro to Runes Workshop


Kevin, who is a 100% Irish thoroughbred, has been studying the Runes, it history, sources, wisdom and power for well over 30 years.  This Workshop will satisfy your curiosity about Runes and give you the basic knowledge that will help when you take the more in depth study classes.  It will impart knowledge about the cosmology of the Nordic world, the wisdom, power & organizational structure of their deities, and background of the Runic alphabet. Learn more, schedule an appointment, or ask questions. The Leprechaun knows.

Rune Class


Runes are a 2,000+ year old Nordic alphabet that may have been lost as a written language but lives on as a tool of divination.  This in depth class on Runes is 90 minutes, once a week, for 12 sessions.  It includes 1) Rune Lore 2) Rune Staves 3) Runecasting & divination 4) beautifully designed box of Rune cards and 5) materials to create your own Rune Sets. Once completed, you will receive a certificate of completion and access to continual education and mentoring. Learn more, schedule an appointment, or ask questions. The Leprechaun knows.

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Poetry Installations & Products

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The Wandering Crane Vol. I: Feathers of Wisdom


24 Inspiring, thought provoking, original poems filled with wisdom in a beautifully designed and compact 4" x 6" booklet.  Sample below:

Time to Fly

 When the Energy of

Uncontrolled Youth 

Reaches the Precipice of Manhood

 A leap….

            Is made

That flies at the face of death

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The Wandering Crane Vol. II: Feathers of Wisdom


A companion to Vol. I with an additional 33 inspiring, thought provoking, original poems filled with wisdom in a beautifully designed, matching compact 4" x 6" booklet. Sample below:

True Love

You cannot love one person

more or less than another


You can only choose

to be more or less Intimate

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Wandering Crane Note Cards


In Japanese culture the crane is a mystical creature and believed to live a thousand years. They symbolize beauty, good fortune, and longevity. For good reason, the Japanese refer to it as the 'Bird of Happiness'. These notecards are beautifully designed with an image of a Red Crowned Crane, dancing. The box of 10 cards are blank for your own personal note or a perfect gift.

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"Field of Poetry"

Custom Pricing Available

"Field of Poetry" is a multi-dimensional art installation based on poetry. Let Kevin recreate his unique, successful and artistic Poetry Event at your venue! Whether your venue is a museum, a library, a school, a church, or even a private residence. “Field of Poetry” will be talked about and remembered by your guests long after their initial experience.

Custom Made Plaques


Choose from a variety of your favorite quotes from "The Wandering Crane" series and we will hand engrave it on a wood plaque ready to hang. Great for gifts as well.


The intense emotions that rise out of me, when I think of  you, when I see you, have driven me to professional help.

Poetry Readings & Workshops

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