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  • Writer's pictureLeprechaun

Searching for the Light

Happy July!!!

I have been writing poetry, plays, stories and keeping journals since I was fourteen years old. Whenever I opened a new journal I would always first write: "Ask and you shall receive, I ask for Knowledge and Wisdom."

Over the years I have received knowledge and wisdom in a wide variety of ways: Teachers, Books, Family, Friends, Travel, Adventure, Art, Music, Theatre, Adversaries, Lovers, Experiences, but especially through Mistakes and Errors of Judgement.

Today I begin the long promised process of sharing the knowledge and wisdom I have received. For it serves no man to gather knowledge and not share. After all, as we teach we learn, as we love we are loved, and as we forgive we are forgiven. So it says in A Course in Miracles.

The photo I have attached was taken in Bundoran, County Donegal, Ireland. It is a place to search for the light, the fire of the ancient signal tower on the far north shore of Donegal Bay. And so I hope to bring light to darkness and love to fear in a wide variety of ways. Always looking for the spark of the Divine in everyone and magnifying it ten fold!

I welcome you on my journey and am honored by your presence.

Love Aways,


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